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Human Resource Policies

Our transparent HR policies and robust processes are driven by a single overarching objective: to attract, train, develop, and retain the best leadership talent in every sector in which we operate. We aim to create a proactive team that is committed to excellence in quality and focuses on the creation and enhancement of stakeholder value. This team should be responsive to evolving business opportunities and challenges while being dedicated to upholding the core values of the Noble Group. Our HR policy broadly consists of recruitment and selection, training and development, policy-based compensation and benefits, and employee welfare and relations.


Recruitment is guided by our employment policy, probation, and internship (need-based), besides equal employment opportunities. Every recruitment process involves identifying the vacancy, preparing a job description, advertising the vacancy, managing responses by a trained HR team, and candidate shortlisting and interviews. All our recruitments are sourced from job portals, campuses, lateral entry, and references. Regardless of the source, everyone goes through the same processes, including background checks and fitness status.

Training and Development

At Noble Group, employee training and development go beyond mere job instruction. We prioritize a learning culture and value our employees’ potential for upward mobility within the organization. Amidst the busy business engagements, we maintain this focus, offering unique programs that foster a sense of ownership and align with the group’s vision. This comprehensive approach to training sets Noble Group apart and ensures that the employees feel truly valued in the organization.

Welfare Programs

We believe that every workplace thrives on employee satisfaction and Noble Group considers employee management and welfare to ensure that employees are happy, healthy, safe, and productive. Our programs create a workplace environment that supports the well-being of its staff by ensuring physical safety, mental health, and stress management in addition to employee benefits such as basic medical facilities, family leave, vacation time, retirement plans, and other support services. Our main goal for employee welfare is to ensure an enjoyable and safe workplace.

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15 Years