Building The Future Today

Meeting Angolan Real Estate Requirements

Planeta Group was formed in 2006, primarily aimed at meeting the infrastructure requirements of Group companies. It later diversified into residential and world-class commercial real estate and construction to serve other clients too!

Planeta Group’s commercial construction division offers comprehensive services that include everything from architectural drawing and consulting, site planning, and grading to construction, interior, utility, and paving designs, landscape architecture, geotechnical and engineering analysis, and much more, making it truly a one-stop solution in Angola.

Since its inception, the company has built supermarkets, malls, warehouses, residential complexes, and much more, keeping an eye on the minutest detail to deliver perfection and safety. In its 16-year productive journey, the company has grown relentlessly and committed to meeting and satisfying the real estate requirements of Angola. Through the proper management of its resources, Planeta Group has successfully and efficiently helped clients navigate the construction process and achieve their goals.


To be the most respected conglomerate in Angola by 2025, which is known for ambitious goals, timelines, processes, and value for data and human capital with ownership.


Our vision is to be the benchmark in Backward Integration through Manufacturing and be the largest Distribution hub with an efficient supply chain, thereby creating value for our people and partners and empowering the community.

Core Values

To serve our communities to lead a better life